Financing regenerative commodities

Unlocking finance for the adoption and mainstreaming of nature-based solutions in the food system.

Earth Security helps provide companies and investors in the food system with opportunities to finance the transition to regenerative commodities. We identify financing gaps and solutions across value chains, catalysing financing partnerships and platforms.

Population growth is driving global demand for agricultural commodities, while conventional agriculture practices are having devastating effects on the environment that sustains them. A transition to regenerative agriculture provides the opportunity to adopt nature-based solutions to increase resilience and resource security across value chains.

Regenerative farming methods that protect natural capital is shown to increase crop yields, farmer incomes, and mitigate the risk of crop failure. Globally, this transition could be worth as much as US$1.2 trillion according to the Sustainable Markets Initiative. However, it will also cost money that no individual market player can provide (up to US$400 billion per year according to the World Bank). This increases the stakes for new forms of financing partnerships.

Our work focuses on bridging this gap through collaborative action.

Plantation image

Our work

Financing value chains

Our research identifies companies and projects in commodity value chains that value nature as an asset, delivering returns and impact, and building more resilient global value chains.

Access to catalytic capital

We connect investors and projects across a spectrum of capital, supporting the pathways to scale of innovative models and approaches.

Transition finance platforms

We catalyse finance partnerships among corporates, investors, NGOs and projects, driving collaboration to accelerate the transition to nature-based solutions.

Current Project

Developing a transition finance roadmap for regenerative coffee


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages, however, it is a crop acutely sensitive to climate change. Demand for coffee is expected to triple by 2050, while climate change could reduce the amount of land most suitable for growing coffee by 50%.

This is expected to increase price volatility and supply chain shocks, affecting availability as well as the livelihoods of 12.5 million coffee farmers worldwide. Many producers are already adapting to a changing climate by moving plantations to elevated locations – and in doing so driving the deforestation frontier into fragile and unprotected tropical mountain forest ecosystems.

Adopting regenerative coffee growing methods can mitigate these risks and impacts and significantly increase climate resilience, reducing deforestation and increasing productivity and farmer incomes. Global coffee companies can improve supply chain and sourcing resilience, while reducing Scope 3 emissions via increased carbon sequestration.

Earth Security’s roadmap provides stakeholders spanning the entire coffee value chain with a view of key financing gaps and opportunities to transition to regenerative coffee – and an approach to bridge the interest and capital of companies, investors, and philanthropists, while coordinating action at the level of coffee-growing landscapes.

Our work on regenerative commodities

We are working to enable the financing of sustainable and regenerative commodities at scale, overcoming systemic barriers to sustainable production.

Get in touch

If you’re an investor looking for opportunities, or a project looking for funding, get in touch to discuss how we could work together.

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Financing regenerative commodities

Unlocking finance for the adoption and mainstreaming of nature-based solutions in the food system
Plantation image

Earth Security helps provide companies and investors in the food system with opportunities to finance the transition to regenerative commodities.

We identify financing gaps and solutions across value chains, catalysing financing partnerships and platforms.

Population growth is driving global demand for agricultural commodities, while conventional agriculture practices are having devastating effects on the environment that sustains them. A transition to regenerative agriculture provides the opportunity to adopt nature-based solutions to increase resilience and resource security across value chains.

Regenerative farming methods that protect natural capital is shown to increase crop yields, farmer incomes, and mitigate the risk of crop failure. Globally, this transition could be worth as much as US$1.2 trillion according to the Sustainable Markets Initiative. However, it will also cost money that no individual market player can provide (up to US$400 billion per year according to the World Bank). This increases the stakes for new forms of financing partnerships.

Our work focuses on bridging this gap through collaborative action.

Our work

Financing value chains

Our research identifies companies and projects in commodity value chains that value nature as an asset, delivering returns and impact, and building more resilient global value chains.

Access to catalytic capital

We connect investors and projects across a spectrum of capital, supporting the pathways to scale of innovative models and approaches.

Transition finance platforms

We catalyse finance partnerships among corporates, investors, NGOs and projects, driving collaboration to accelerate the transition to nature-based solutions.

Current Project

Developing a transition finance roadmap for regenerative coffee


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages, however, it is a crop acutely sensitive to climate change. Demand for coffee is expected to triple by 2050, while climate change could reduce the amount of land most suitable for growing coffee by 50%.

This is expected to increase price volatility and supply chain shocks, affecting availability as well as the livelihoods of 12.5 million coffee farmers worldwide. Many producers are already adapting to a changing climate by moving plantations to elevated locations – and in doing so driving the deforestation frontier into fragile and unprotected tropical mountain forest ecosystems.

Adopting regenerative coffee growing methods can mitigate these risks and impacts and significantly increase climate resilience, reducing deforestation and increasing productivity and farmer incomes. Global coffee companies can improve supply chain and sourcing resilience, while reducing Scope 3 emissions via increased carbon sequestration.

Earth Security’s roadmap provides stakeholders spanning the entire coffee value chain with a view of key financing gaps and opportunities to transition to regenerative coffee – and an approach to bridge the interest and capital of companies, investors, and philanthropists, while coordinating action at the level of coffee-growing landscapes.

Our work on regenerative commodities

We are working to enable the financing of sustainable and regenerative commodities at scale, overcoming systemic barriers to sustainable production.

Get in touch

If you’re an investor looking for opportunities, or a project looking for funding, get in touch to discuss how we could work together.

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