Natural assets: Mangroves

Catalysing investment for mangrove conservation and restoration

Our 2020 report, “Financing the Earth’s Assets: The Case for Mangroves”, builds the business case and finance blueprint for mangroves, based on the 40 regions in the world holding over 70% of the world's remaining mangrove ecosystems, quantifying the investment opportunities of mangroves as an asset.

From this, we launched the M40 Mangrove Programme to develop a global pipeline of mangrove-positive business models that can drive impact on blue foods, blue carbon and blue resilience at scale. We are working with investment pilots that show how to bridge the gap between commercial capital and catalytic philanthropy.

Based on this groundwork, we are developing a blended finance platform to provide companies, investors and philanthropists the vehicle to catalyse investment in mangroves at scale.

green infrastructure

$65 billion per year

The coastal protection provided by mangroves make them a vital form of green infrastructure. Our work with infrastructure projects and local organisations is creating investable opportunities that draw on the potential of this natural asset.

M40 Programme outcomes

stage one - 2023

Investment pilots

stage two - 2024

Regional blueprints

stage three - 2025

The M40 Fund


Developing an investment pipeline

We’ve identified a broad range of mangrove-positive business models that fit within five themes. As well as having a positive impact on mangrove conservation and restoration, all projects in the pipeline benefit community livelihoods and support the long-term economic prospects of the local areas.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon


Green infrastructure

Blue carbon


New Materials

Our focus

The investment cases and relevant blend of growth capital.

The potential for future ‘premium’ blue carbon based on co-benefits.

Measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV).

The potential impact of private sector expertise and collaboration.

How to measure and communicate the comprehensive impact value.

case study

Investing in mangroves for coastal resilience in North Jakarta

Among the pilot projects of our M40 programme, we're working in one of the remaining mangroves sites in North Jakarta, Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk (TWA AK), to bring funders and investors to support Jakarta's nature-based coastal resilience through an eco-tourism model.

Coupled with the blue carbon stored in these ecosystems, this provides a model for investment into the resilience of cities, as the world’s tropical regions look to improve coastal adaptation in urban areas and move towards net-zero.

2023 - present | a model for nature-based coastal adaptation

Adaptation investments in Least Developed Countries

We are working to create an investment facility that enables multinational corporations to finance mangrove projects in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). We are identifying the business value drivers, from increasing the resilience of infrastructure and value chains, to creating lasting positive impacts on the blue economy in countries where these companies operate.

Learn More


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

Forest and sun
Forest and sun

2021 - Present | design thinking for institutional finance

Advancing a
Mangrove Bond

We have just completed a project supported by HSBC Australia, exploring the barriers, opportunities and viable design options for creating a Mangrove Bond in South-East Queensland (SEQ), Australia. We are now developing an implementation proposal in collaboration with Natural Resource Management (NRM) Queensland that to share with companies and investors in SEQ that have expressed an interest in funding such work.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

2020 - 2023 | mangroves as nature-based solutions

Innovations in
Mangrove Insurance

Our research on financial innovation provides insurance companies, investment banks and public financial institutions with the analysis, data and new perspectives needed to develop innovative finance products that put mangroves at the heart of their business development strategies. In partnership with the International Climate Initiative (IKI), we developed the blueprint for the development of “Mangrove Insurance” products in the Philippines, due to market in 2025.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

2018 - Present | supporting global ambitions

The Mangrove Breakthrough

Our research provided a basis to support partners, including the UN Climate Champions and the Global Mangrove Alliance, in establishing The Mangrove Breakthrough in 2022. The Breakthrough provides a framework ambition and opportunity for UN member countries, companies, and NGOs to work together to scale finance for mangroves. We are proud that our programmes continue to contribute to the impact of the Mangrove Breakthrough.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

SupportED BY:

Get in touch

If you’re an investor looking for opportunities, or a project looking for funding, get in touch to discuss how we could work together.

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Natural assets: Mangroves

Catalysing investment for mangrove conservation and restoration

Earth Security develops a blended finance platform to unlock global investment in mangroves at scale.

Mangroves are carbon-sequestration powerhouses, storing vast amounts of CO2 in their underwater roots. They're also up to 50 times more cost-effective than cement seawalls and serve as crucial nurseries for countless marine species that support local economies.

Yet these vital ecosystems are disappearing at 2% a year—faster than coral reefs or any other forest. Our 2020 report, Financing the Earth's Assets: The Case for Mangroves, presents a compelling business case for protecting them, drawing on data from 40 regions that hold 70% of the world's remaining mangroves.  

Across the insurance, finance, and infrastructure sectors, Earth Security's analysis, pilot projects, and partnerships are leading the way—unlocking the full potential of mangroves to safeguard our coastlines, livelihoods, and planet.

2022 - Present | The Mangrove (M40) Initiative

An Innovative Approach to Financing Mangroves

We launched the M40 Mangrove Program in partnership with UBS Optimus Foundation in 2022. We are building a global pipeline of mangrove-positive investment opportunities, developing investment pilots to bridge the gap between commercial capital and catalytic philanthropy, and creating a blueprint for mangrove investment at scale.

Investment Themes: Blue Carbon | Blue Food | Blue Resilience

Our Focus:

  • Develop robust investment cases and the optimal blend of capital
  • Create 'premium' blue carbon opportunities by leveraging co-benefits
  • Strengthen measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) tools
  • Harness private sector expertise and collaboration for greater impact
  • Measure and communicate the full spectrum of mangrove benefits
Case Study
Investing in mangroves for coastal resilience in North Jakarta

Among the pilot projects of our M40 programme, we're working in one of the remaining mangroves sites in North Jakarta, Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk (TWA AK), to bring funders and investors..

Read more

2022 - Present | The Mangrove (M40) Initiative

Adaptation investments in Least Developed Countries

We are working to create an investment facility that enables multinational corporations to finance mangrove projects in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). We are identifying the business value drivers, from increasing the resilience of infrastructure and value chains, to creating lasting positive impacts on the blue economy in countries where these companies operate.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

2021 - Present | design thinking for institutional finance

Advancing a
Mangrove Bond

We have just completed a project supported by HSBC Australia, exploring the barriers, opportunities and viable design options for creating a Mangrove Bond in South-East Queensland (SEQ), Australia. We are now developing an implementation proposal in collaboration with Natural Resource Management (NRM) Queensland that to share with companies and investors in SEQ that have expressed an interest in funding such work.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

2020 - 2023 | mangroves as nature-based solutions

Innovations in
Mangrove Insurance

Our research on financial innovation provides insurance companies, investment banks and public financial institutions with the analysis, data and new perspectives needed to develop innovative finance products that put mangroves at the heart of their business development strategies. In partnership with the International Climate Initiative (IKI), we developed the blueprint for the development of “Mangrove Insurance” products in the Philippines, due to market in 2025.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

2018 - Present | supporting global ambitions

The Mangrove Breakthrough

Our research provided a basis to support partners, including the UN Climate Champions and the Global Mangrove Alliance, in establishing The Mangrove Breakthrough in 2022. The Breakthrough provides a framework ambition and opportunity for UN member countries, companies, and NGOs to work together to scale finance for mangroves. We are proud that our programmes continue to contribute to the impact of the Mangrove Breakthrough.


Green Infrastructure

Eco Tourism


Blue carbon

SupportED BY:

Get in touch

If you’re an investor looking for opportunities, or a project looking for funding, get in touch to discuss how we could work together.

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